Gouache Tutorial Video: How to Paint a Mountain

My latest gouache tutorial is now available on my Youtube channel. In this video, I’m painting a mountain scene using a limited palette of four Holbein Acryla Gouache colors: Pale Lilac, Burnt Sienna, Misty Blue and Ash Blue (plus Titanium White). This palette gives me lots of opportunity for value exploration and color harmony.

I’m falling ever deeper in love with Acryla Gouache. They’re wonderful to work with - velvety, opaque, rich, matte, layerable, vibrant colors. They dry quickly once applied but can stay workable for days or even weeks on the Masterson’s Sta-wet palette, so there is no waste! Combined with some colored pencil and Panpastel, I think I’ve found my favorite illustration media. I’ve recently been working with Panpastel and I’m so excited about exploring it more in future videos.

I show my palette while I’m mixing colors and explaining the whole process from beginning to end. Check it out and please subscribe if you’d like to see more!

Painting a snowy mountain scene using four colors of Holbein Acryla Gouache: Pale Lilac, Burnt Sienna, Ash Blue, Misty Blue, plus Titanium White. Amazing photo by eberhard grossgasteiger from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/landscape-photography-of-snowy-mountain-1366919/ Please subscribe to my channel to see more painting and drawing demos!

New video: how to paint a dog portrait in oil

Here’s a new real time instructional video in which we’ll walk through the steps to painting a Bernese Mountain dog. Follow along as I make crucial initial decisions on where to place the dog’s head on my panel, sketch in the features and use a limited palette to mix and place the colors using expressive brushstrokes. No speedpainting here; I complete the painting in under two hours and you get to see every color mix and paintbrush stroke.

I hope you’ll enjoy this video if you’re interested in painting pet portraits in oil. Stay tuned as I have plans for more videos on a wide range of favorite techniques using oil, watercolor, gouache, graphite, colored pencil and mixed media!

Below is the reference photo for the painting.
