A progress photo of the Casa Blanca lily. I added some more petal and leaf details and the finished work can be seen here on a new portfolio page for watercolor paintings.
White Lillies
I've started working through the exercises in the Botanical Palette book - Chapter One - White. While waiting for the Casa Blanca lilies to bloom so I can paint them from life, I've also started to work on a watercolor painting from a photo I took of the lilies in the garden last summer. The pencil sketch for that is show below. I drew the lily directly on my watercolor paper using an HB pencil and the divider tool to take accurate measurements from the image on my computer screen. It took a few hours, but then I decided it needed to be about 150% bigger. I scanned the drawing, enlarged it, printed it and transferred it to the watercolor paper with graphite paper, then refined the pencil drawing further.
Hydrangea leaf study
Hydrangea flowers are scarce this year but there are leaves to study.